Ruminations of a Quirky Astrologer

Why do we want to know ourselves at a deeper level, what’s the point? 

I’ve asked myself this question many times.  I see a large majority of our population who prefers to remain unconscious, who’d prefer not to know themselves, and they’re content without exploring their psychological depths .  Most often it's through a crisis in their lives that leads them to ask "why?".  

We’re all here with our own unique inner guide, which will help you whether you seek out an answer through the esoteric arts or not.  Yet, there is a growing percentage that feels a call to intuitively access a deeper awareness of themselves that their own logic and reason is not providing.  

This is how I felt when I started my journey 25 years ago.  I have come to embrace astrology as a comprehensive personal development tool, and through my work with clients have seen what an accurate forecasting system it can be.  The intuitive practice of astrology is an art form and requires patience, deep contemplation and whole brain mental process. 

To be a good astrologer you must feed these processes through rigorous self-reflection and keep the emotional filter clean.   Many times I’ve sought to hide back in the world of the contentedly unconscious.  I wasn’t able to stay for very long, the pull to peer through an astrological lens is just too powerful!